crashandspyro| Listed companies are enthusiastic about dividends: 3859 companies implement cash dividends, and 100 companies taste the "fruit" for the first time

Beverage 2024-05-01

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[Cash dividends of listed companies in China hit record highcrashandspyro, 100 listed companies distributed cash dividends for the first time]

crashandspyro| Listed companies are enthusiastic about dividends: 3859 companies implement cash dividends, and 100 companies taste the "fruit" for the first time

The latest 2023 operating results report released by the China Association of Listed Companies shows thatcrashandspyroCurrently, 3859 listed companies have announced or implemented cash dividend plans, accounting for 92% of all profitable companies, setting a record high.

It is worth noting that among this cash dividend, more than 100 companies have implemented cash dividends for the first time since listing.

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