jackpotvideopoker| Law of price fluctuations! The lunar line is still in its early stages

Beverage 2024-04-15

Price is an important indicator of all influencing factors, so we should focus on price so that we can get twice the result with half the effort. The analysis of the factors affecting the price is very complicated, if we start with the factors, it will be very difficult and have no clue. In the same position, you can find countless upward reasons, but also can find countless downward reasons, this is also the existence of the opponent. The core of the price is fluctuation, which is not influenced by people's will, it is objective and inevitable, and it can not be avoided no matter in the trend or under the trend, which is the objective law of price. Under the nine-month trend last year, prices fluctuated nearly 10 times upward, but as the trend was downward, volatility did not affect the continuation of the trend.

Similarly, after the trend breakthrough on February 20 this year, prices started to fluctuate on the trend, and the rules of fluctuation can be summarized as follows.JackpotvideopokerDeviation-conservation-deviation-conservation, such a cycle, until the trend effectively breaks and then enters the fluctuation under the trend. Since March 11, MACD has reached the peak of the current round, about 48, close to 50, and then began the process of returning to the trend. Today, it has been a month, and the current MACD DIF value is close to 10, infinitely close to 0, that is to say, this month is completing the task of energy conservation: DIF returns from 50 to 10. Early next week, DIF will be infinitely close to the zero axis, which means that the task of conservation of energy will be completed, the market will re-choose the direction, and the conservation of the trend is often easy to continue upward.

jackpotvideopoker| Law of price fluctuations! The lunar line is still in its early stages

At present, the only less ideal cycle is the weekly line, which triggered the crying signal under the trend last week, which strengthens the downward continuity of the trend for the weekly line. However, if the energy conservation of the daily line is effective and fluctuates slightly upward for a week, the weekly line will also complete the trend breakthrough, and then the unfavorable factors will also turn into favorable factors. As the monthly line is still in its infancy, opportunities still exist.

Price, fluctuation, trend bullish bearish (bullish) price fluctuation is an objective law that is not based on people's will, there will be fluctuations both in and under the trend, and fluctuation will not affect the continuation of the trend. Feng Kuangwei: Monday operation strategy Hexun self-selected stock writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.
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