darkforestblockchaingame| Senior management of SDIC Capital welcomes changes and appoints Lu Jun, a post-70s generation, as general manager

Education 2024-04-20

April nineteenthDarkforestblockchaingameCIC Capital announced that it would change its general manager.

On the same dayDarkforestblockchaingameThe 10th session of the ninth session of the board of directors of CIC Capital was held to examine and approve the motion of CIC Capital Co., Ltd. on the appointment of general manager and nomination of candidates for directors. The company appoints Lu Jun as general manager for a term of office from the date this matter is examined and approved by the board of directors to the expiration of the term of office of the current board of directors. At the same time, Lu Jun is nominated as a candidate for the ninth board of directors of the company for a term of office from the date on which this matter is examined and approved by the general meeting of shareholders to the expiration of the term of office of the current board of directors, and the election of directors needs to be submitted to the general meeting of the company for consideration.

According to his resume, Lu Jun was born in 1970 with a master's degree in business administration and is currently deputy secretary of the party committee of CIC Capital. He has served as the deputy general manager of Guotou Taikang Trust Co., Ltd., the deputy general manager of CIC Capital Holdings Co., Ltd., the deputy director of Sichuan Provincial Finance Department, the member of the party group (hanging his post), and the general manager of GIC Finance Co., Ltd.

Not long before that, the deputy general manager of CIC Capital had just changed. At that time, CIC Capital announced that the company's board of directors had recently received a written resignation report submitted by Yao Zhaoxin. Due to work reasons, Yao Zhaoxin applied to resign as deputy general manager, secretary to the board of directors, general legal adviser and chief compliance officer.

darkforestblockchaingame| Senior management of SDIC Capital welcomes changes and appoints Lu Jun, a post-70s generation, as general manager

According to the annual report of CIC Capital, Yao Zhaoxin, born in 1972, has a master's degree in economics, is a senior economist, and is currently deputy general manager, secretary of the board of directors, general legal adviser and chief compliance officer of CIC Capital. He is also a director of China Investment and financing guarantee Co., Ltd., and a supervisor of China Investment Securities Co., Ltd. He has served as the business director of the General Office of the State Development and Investment Corporation, the business director of the Strategic Development Department, and the deputy director of the reorganization Department of the Enterprise Reform Bureau of the State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

In early March this year, CIC Capital announced that Luo Shaoxiang, a director of the company, applied to resign as a member of the ninth board of directors and a member of a relevant special committee under the board of directors because of his job. After Luo Shaoxiang resigns, she will no longer hold any position in the company. Luo Shaoxiang's resignation will not cause the number of members of the company's board of directors to fall below the quorum, and the resignation report will take effect from the date it is received by the board of directors.

Recently, the board of supervisors of CIC received a written resignation report from Jiang Hongbo, an employee supervisor. Jiang Hongbo applied to resign as a supervisor of the ninth board of supervisors of the company due to work reasons. After Jiang Hongbo resigns, he will go to the company to hold a post in an investment company. Jiang Hongbo's resignation will cause the number of employees and supervisors on the company's board of supervisors to fall below the legal minimum. According to the relevant provisions of the Company Law and the articles of Association, before the new employee supervisors take office, Jiang Hongbo will continue to perform the duties of supervisors in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations. The company will by-elect employee supervisors according to the relevant procedures as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that CIC Securities, a subsidiary of CIC Capital, has just undergone a management change. At the middle-level meeting of CIC Securities held on April 8, Wang Lianzhi, director and general manager of CIC Securities, was removed from his post, and Wang Suwang, deputy general manager, was temporarily responsible for the general manager of the bank.

In November last year, CIC Securities announced a new coach. Huang Yanxun, the former chairman, retired at the age. Duan Wenwu, chairman of CIC Capital, also served as the new head of CIC Securities. Not long after, Anxin Securities changed its name to CIC Securities.

CIC Capital is a listed company whose business covers securities, trust, public funds, futures and other financial fields. Earlier, CIC had just released its 2023 annual report, which showed that the company's total revenue last year was 174.Darkforestblockchaingame.59 billion yuan, an increase of 1% over the same period last yearDarkforestblockchaingame.89%; net profit 2.357 billion yuan, down 19.88% from the same period last year, basic earnings per share 0.36 yuan; total assets 280.114 billion yuan, up 5.07% over the same period last year.

Last year, CIC Securities achieved operating income of 14.39 billion yuan, an increase of 0.22% over the same period last year; the total profit was 2.159 billion yuan, and the net profit belonging to the shareholders of the parent company was 1.939 billion yuan, down 25.96% from 2.619 billion yuan the previous year.

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