WildSafariSpin| China Consumers Association released consumption reminders during the May Day holiday, which require attention to

Health 2024-05-01

Source: Xinhua News Agency

WildSafariSpin| China Consumers Association released consumption reminders during the May Day holiday, which require attention to

The China Consumer Association recently issued a "May Day" holiday consumption tip.WildSafariSpinTo remind consumers to pay attention to problems such as transportation, accommodation, recharge of shopping, food and dining when traveling.

Transportation and accommodation need to be planned. China Consumer Association hintWildSafariSpinDuring the May Day period, the flow of people and vehicles is large, scenic spots and roads may be congested. Consumers should plan their itinerary in advance and arrange travel routes and accommodation hotels in a reasonable manner. Consumers who choose self-driving tours and long-distance buses should always pay attention to road conditions and go off peak as far as possible. Consumers who choose to travel by plane and high-speed rail should buy round-trip tickets in advance and buy tickets through formal platforms and websites, and do not believe in "special fares" and "internal channels" to prevent them from being deceived. When selecting a hotel, you should compare prices through the formal platform, and carefully check the hotel's scores and other consumer evaluations, and pay attention to the traffic and environment around the hotel. Before selecting a travel agency, it is necessary to query the qualification and registration information of the travel agency through the national tourism supervision service platform to ensure that the travel agency has complete qualifications and clear business scope, sign a formal travel contract, and carefully review the contents of the contract.

Shopping recharge should be vigilant. During the May Day period, many businesses will carry out various promotional activities, and consumers should choose carefully and consume rationally so as to avoid falling into various consumption traps. For prepaid consumption that requires card recharge, consumers must carefully review the terms of the contract and make clear refund, breach of contract and other matters, so as to avoid excessive recharge at one time. In addition, do not listen to the phone calls, text messages and platform information claiming that the Consumer Association helps to refund the fee, which is impersonated by lawbreakers.

Eating and eating pays attention to hygiene. When eating out, consumers try to choose restaurants with complete business qualifications, clean and hygienic dining environment, high food quantitative grade and the implementation of "famous chefs bright stove", and pay attention to whether the dishes are fresh or not. do not eat "game" and unprocessed "fresh" food. When buying food, choose complete packaging and label information, and follow the instructions to save and eat.

Consumer dispute [download black cat complaint client] leave evidence. Shopping voucher is an important proof that consumers protect their rights in accordance with the law after consumption disputes occur between consumers and merchants. When purchasing and using goods or tourism consumption, the majority of consumers must pay attention to obtaining and properly retaining consumption documents such as shopping invoices, receipts, payment records, and so on. When their legitimate rights and interests are damaged, they should first negotiate with the merchants in accordance with the principles of legality, legitimacy and fairness. If the settlement fails, they can complain to the relevant departments or to the consumers' association organization through the Wisdom 315 platform of the National consumers Association. (reporter Zhao Wenjun)

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