baccaratharcourt| Does National Cellar 1573 have a price adjustment plan? Luzhou Laojiao Response

Health 2024-05-10

May 9thBaccaratharcourtLuzhou laojiao held a 2023 performance presentation meeting. At the meeting, some investors asked: what measures will the company take to achieve the revenue plan for 2024? In addition, the high-end Guizhou Moutai and Wuliangye have raised their ex-factory prices in 2023. Is there any plan to adjust the price in the national cellar?

In response, Chairman Liu Miao replied that the company's business strategy for 2024 has been disclosed in the annual report that the company's production and operation will implement the development theme of "firm, fortified, innovative and coordinated", closely centering on "anchoring one goal and focusing on three cores." the general idea of promoting the six major promotions ", adhere to correct innovation, comprehensively attack the fortifications, and resolutely win the overall victory of the key campaign of the 14th five-year Plan. At present, there is no price adjustment plan for National Cellar 1573.

Luzhou laojiao released its 2023 annual report on April 27. According to the annual report, the company realized operating income of about 302.Baccaratharcourt.33 billion yuan, an increase of 20.34% over the same period last year; and net profit of about 13.246 billion yuan, an increase of 27.79% over the same period last year. Thanks to the bright performance, Luzhou laojiao simultaneously announced a dividend plan, proposed 10 payouts of 54 yuan.

Luzhou laojiao proposed that in 2023, the company had successfully achieved the target of "achieving a year-on-year increase in operating income of not less than 15%" set by the board of directors at the beginning of the year. In 2024, the company strives to achieve a year-on-year increase in operating revenue of no less than 15%.

baccaratharcourt| Does National Cellar 1573 have a price adjustment plan? Luzhou Laojiao Response

However, Luzhou laojiao suggested that the above "15% target" is formulated by the company in accordance with the 14th five-year strategic plan and combined with its own business capabilities, and does not represent the company's profit forecast for 2024, nor is it a company commitment. Whether it can be achieved depends on many factors, such as changes in market conditions and the efforts of the management team, and there is great uncertainty. Investors are invited to pay special attention to it.

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