5cardpokerrules| Media Internet Industry Review Report: OPENAI releases GPT 4O model, which greatly improves ease of use

Health 2024-05-15

Event: Beijing time in the early morning of May 14, 20245cardpokerrulesOpenAI released an updated version of GPT-4, GPT-4o,GPT-4o, which will be available to all users free of charge. At the same time, Open AI announced the release of a new ChatGPT desktop application for macOS, and the corresponding Windows version will be released this year. The multimodal performance has improved significantly, and the voice response delay has been greatly reduced: GPT-4o, as a new version of the large model of Open AI, has the following performance highlights: 1) the multimodal performance has improved significantly. GPT-4o breaks through the input barriers of text, audio and image, so that these modes can be generated directly from each other without intermediate conversion. 2) the delay of voice response is greatly reduced. GPT-4o can respond to audio input in 232ms, and the average response time is 320ms, compared with GPT-3.5cardpokerrulesThe average latency for .5 and GPT-4 is 2800ms and 5400ms. 3) the effect of real-time voice assistant is eye-catching. GPT-4o can translate and recognize facial expressions in real time, and can recognize pictures, write codes and analyze charts through the camera. At the same time, the content, tone and tone of the dialogue are closer to the real person, can identify the interruption of the interlocutor and respond in time, and can give an answer with human emotion. The model will be free, and the API interface will be reduced and accelerated: GPT-4o will be free to all users and will be pushed to Chat GPT Plus users in the next few weeks. Compared with the previous version of GPT-4 Turbo, the API interface provided by GPT-4o has doubled the speed, and the price is only 1 / 2 of the original. At the same time, the number of calls per unit time allowed by GPT-4o has been increased by 5 times. The ease of use of the model has been greatly improved, broadening the application scene of smart devices: GPT-4o subverts the previous mode of interaction between human and computer to some extent: through almost real-time response speed and tonal and tonal responses similar to human, the interaction between human and computer becomes more real and smooth. With the landing of follow-up related applications, the free opening of superimposed GPT-4o makes the number of users greatly increased. We believe that the application scenarios of smart terminal devices (mobile phones, computers, smart glasses, etc.) are expected to be further expanded. Investment suggestion: with the continuous iterative updating of various artificial intelligence models since 2023, the intelligence level of mainstream artificial intelligence models has reached a considerable level. The release of GPT-4o marks a breakthrough in the convenience and ease of use of the big model of artificial intelligence. Considering the high certainty of the rapid growth of the number of users following the free opening of GPT-4o to users, we believe that the influence of artificial intelligence on the C side is expected to be enhanced, and is optimistic about the development prospects of related vertical applications. It is recommended to pay attention to the industries closely related to the C-end user experience: 1) AI+ games: in-game NPC interaction, interactive video games; 2) AI+ education: intellectual education system, virtual laboratory; 3) AI+ office: content generation, unstructured data processing; 4) AI+ publishing: proofreading, wisdom distribution; 5) AI+ professional consultation: emotional accompany, professional solutions for application scenarios, etc. Risk hints: the risk that the development of large model technology is not as expected, the risk of policy and regulatory changes, the risk of industry competition, the risk that the application of related technology is not as expected, and the risk of cost increase that may be brought about by the increase of demand. [disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

5cardpokerrules| Media Internet Industry Review Report: OPENAI releases GPT 4O model, which greatly improves ease of use

[disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

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