arcadeclawmachine| Change Express: Chunqiu Electronics (603890) hit the daily limit at 10:01 on May 21

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arcadeclawmachine| Change Express: Chunqiu Electronics (603890) hit the daily limit at 10:01 on May 21

Securities Star intraday news on May 21, at 10:01, Chunqiu Electronics (603890) hit the daily limit. Current price 9arcadeclawmachine.72, up 9.95%. Consumer electronics in its industry is currently rising. The leading stock was Yingli shares. This stock is notebook computers, a concept that benefits foreign trade. Huawei's industrial chain concept is hot. The concept of notebook computers rose 1.18% that day.

In terms of capital flow data on May 20, the net inflow of main funds was 3.731 million yuan, accounting for 2.85% of the total turnover, the net inflow of hot capital funds was 2.3683 million yuan, accounting for 1.81% of the total turnover, and the net outflow of retail funds was 6.0993 million yuan, accounting for 4.67% of the total turnover.

See the following table for a list of capital flows in the past 5 days:

The main indicators and industry rankings of Spring and Autumn Electronics are as follows:

The above content is compiled by Securities Star based on public information and generated by algorithms (Netcom Calculation No. 310104345710301240019). It has nothing to do with the position of this station. If there are any data problems, please contact us. This article is a compilation of data and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make decisions carefully.

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