bingoholidaybingogames| Five executives collective "run away", Luyang energy-saving stock price drop, the future reduction plan?

Health 2024-04-12

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  界面新闻记者 | 牛其昌








  郑维金自2007年历任鲁阳节能采购部经理、销售大区经理、一分厂厂长等职务,2011年3月至今任公司副总裁,2015年4 月至今任奇耐联合纤维(苏州)有限公司法定代表人。



bingoholidaybingogames| Five executives collective "run away", Luyang energy-saving stock price drop, the future reduction plan?
















Talking about the next step of the personnel plan, the head of the Luyang energy-saving securities department said that since the company has lost one director, the next step will be to add a new director as soon as possible, and the board of directors will complete the by-election of directors as soon as possible in accordance with the relevant regulations. As for the vice president, the company will make up the staff through internal promotion or external election.

Luyang Energy Saving said that the company has designated the management personnel of the relevant functional departments to hand over the work with these deputy general managers and carry out the relevant management work under the leadership of the general manager, and the resignation of these deputy general managers will not affect the normal work of the company. In terms of the board of directors, in order to ensure the daily operation of the board of directors and the disclosure of the company's information, the board of directors appointed Qin Xiaoxin, the general manager of the company, to perform the duties of the board of directors.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the impact on the operation of the company, the shares held by the five runaway executives have also attracted market attention.

The announcement shows that as of the date of disclosure of the announcement, Lu Xiaokun did not hold shares in the company; Zheng Weijin held 596 shares in the company.BingoholidaybingogamesMa Zhongjun holds 1167221 shares, Zhao Shengxiang holds 177070 shares, and Liu Zhaohong holds 94437 shares.

The head of Luyang Energy Saving Securities Department responded that according to the relevant regulations, senior executives are not allowed to transfer their shares in the company within six months after leaving office, and the company will issue an announcement in advance if there are plans to reduce their holdings in the future.

Luyang Energy Saving said that after the resignation, the five executives will continue to abide by the relevant laws and regulations and the "detailed rules for the implementation of share reduction by shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers of listed companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange" and other relevant regulations.

The above implementation rules show that if Dong Jiangao leaves office before the expiration of his term of office, he shall continue to abide by the following restrictive provisions during the term of office determined at the time of his appointment and within six months after the expiration of his term of office:

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