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bingoblitz| New share subscription process: What is the new share subscription process like

News 2024-04-30

The purchase of new shares is a way for investors to participate in the public offering of shares of listed companies.BingoblitzThe process is particularly important for investors. Next, let's introduce the whole process of applying for new shares in detail. oneBingoblitz. First of all, investors need to have a brokerage with a stock trading account. Only through the brokerage can investors apply for new shares. two。 Investors can inquire about the information of new shares through various channels, such as brokerage announcements, news media, financial websites, and so on. This information includes important information such as the number of new shares issued, price, purchase date and so on. 3. To submit an application entrustment within the application date of the new share issue, the investor shall submit the application entrustment through the trading platform of the securities firm. The entrustment content needs to include information such as purchase quantity, price and so on. The brokerage will examine and approve the entrustment of the investor, and after the examination and approval, the entrustment of the investor will be submitted to the securities market. 4. Matching number and lottery number after the purchase deadline, the main underwriter will assign the number to all the purchase entrustment. After the allocation of the number is completed, the main underwriter will make a lottery to determine which investors can obtain the placement of new shares. 5. After the lottery result is announced, the main underwriter will announce the winning result. Investors can inquire about their winning tickets through the trading platform of securities firms. 6. Payment for successful investors, they need to pay the corresponding application for new shares to the brokerage within a specified period of time. If the investor fails to pay the purchase payment on time, it may be regarded as a default, affecting the investor's credit history. 7. After the IPO of new shares is completed, the listed company will be listed on the stock exchange. Investors can buy and sell new shares after listing. The following is a table on the application fees for new shares for your reference:

bingoblitz| New share subscription process: What is the new share subscription process like

Fee name fee proportion purchase fee 0.05%-0.1% transaction fee 0.03%-0.05% Stamp Duty 0.1% (sold) transfer fee 0.02% (0.02% of the transaction amount, minimum 1 yuan) is the whole process of applying for new shares. Investors need to read carefully and understand the operational details of each step in order to successfully complete the purchase of new shares. At the same time, investors also need to pay attention to all kinds of information about the issuance of new shares in order to make wise investment decisions. (: congratulations
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